International Cooperation Project Cali – Viborg 2023
For the last two years, Cali has taken part in Viborg’s annual drawing campaign #DrawWithDenmark. This time, the purpose is to collaboratively create a meaningful project for school students and women in animation. Viborg, #DrawWithCali! taking place from the 1st of June to the 31st of August offers cultural exchange opportunities through drawing and media arts for students (10 to 16 years old). Under Viborg’s drawing campaign 2023 principle: Green Together, the project is considering the following stages:
1. During the first stage, students from both cities will research green transition initiatives in their cities and draw the different elements they explore.
2. After the drawing sessions, the project will push further to create a media artwork, which involves the creation of a collage-animated video made up of chosen drawings from participating students. Women experts in animation from Cali and Viborg will be responsible for this final artwork to be displayed at the UNESCO Creative Cities Global Annual Meeting next September.
3. Cacumen Creative Studio will offer two theoretical-practical sessions about media arts and animation in Cali. This year we invited students from Institución Educativa Técnica Comercial Las Americas (public school 1800 students) to participate in the sessions to increase awareness of digital art among the city’s youth.
4. As part of the project dissemination activities, an exhibit of drawings will be held in Cali during the Cluster Annual Meeting in November 2023. Furthermore, our animated artwork will also travel to:
Viborg Animation Festival in September 2023
The Green Festival in September 2023
The International Film Festival in Cali in November 2023
Istanbul UCCN Global Annual Meeting in September 2023
We especially thank our cooperation partners: Instituto Cultural da Dinamarca in Brazil (Sao Paulo), the Viborg Kommune, the Denmark Embassy in Bogota; and other participating institutions and schools: Vestre Skole, Institución Educativa INEM Jorge Isaacs (Public school 6.238 students) Colegio Comfandi Miraflores (Private school 765 students), and Museo La Tertulia Education program.