Sonic Spaces 2023 – ZKM | Hertz-Labor, Karlsruhe
The ZKM | Hertz-Labor offers international artists the opportunity to apply in three different categories and submit project proposals to realize new works. The selectable categories include:
- Live Coding with a clear focus on sound and music with or without visuals.
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) with acoustic or audiovisual works that in some way address AI or use AI in their creation, for example in the production, processing or organization of the sounds..
- Acousmatic Music and Spatial Sound for multichannel acoustic or audiovisual fixed media works using spatial sound as a design tool that are designed to be performed in the ZKM_Klangdom. For spatialization, the free software Zirkonium developed at ZKM can be used, but does not have to be.
Complete applications may be submitted by email to up to and including January 29, 2023, exclusively with a customized email subject using the template “Sonic Spaces 2023, submission category, last name” in a PDF file up to 5 MB in size.
Please check the terms and conditions here.